Original Oil Painting by Lorraine Brevig

Deana Jamroz is a graphics designer that has been outstanding in lending her skills to making me any number of truly stunning and beautiful graphics from my business cards, bookmarks, cd covers and labels for my promo things, to creating the cover art for my first m/m novel, A BIT OF ROUGH. She is always there with a fast creation to fill in a hole in my site or design a wish cover for a future novel in a split second. She is a wizard with the computer.
Then there is Frauke from Crocodesigns that pulled together my awesome website in record time and makes sizzling banners for me. A truly gifted woman!
Another dear friend is Lorraine Brevig, an artist who uses charcoals and oils to define her amazing creations, some of which I'm honored to say she creates for me. Like this hot and stunning cover for my newest print release, OUT THERE IN THE NIGHT! It's an oil painting of my main character, a buff, brawny American Indian who turns werewolf by the light of the moon to become an ancient guardian of the earth. Lorraine captured my vision of the essense of the novel with a passion and fliud grace I could only dream about having on the cover. I'm very proud she is my cover artist for this novel!
Thanks to all of the talented ladies here and the ones I haven't mentioned yet, like my betas, proofreaders and the ones who just listen to me whine when a story is stumbling! You are all part of my successes!
That's beautiful!
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